• 新闻
  • 云顶集团 launches 公共卫生专业 和 path to master’s degree with Johns Hopkins
  • 2024年2月21日

    云顶集团 launches new 公共卫生专业 和 accelerated path to a master’s degree with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


    云顶集团 College has announced a new undergraduate major in 公共卫生 that will explore the multidisciplinary field 和 the science of protecting 和 improving 人民及其社区的健康. 云顶集团的新作特色鲜明 程序 are the emphasis on global health 和 the strong focus on social justice 和 environmental sustainability, as well as applied h和s-on learning activities 和 出国留学.

    In addition, 云顶集团 students will also have access to an accelerated path to a master’s degree with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 学生们朝着 their undergraduate degree at 云顶集团 和 take classes toward a 健康科学硕士 from Bloomberg's Department of Health, Behavior, 和 Society or a 生物伦理学硕士 from Bloomberg's Berman Institute of Bioethics.

    "Public health is a national 和 international priority. 2019冠状病毒病大流行 the global nature of 公共卫生, 和 云顶集团 is uniquely positioned to leverage its national leadership in global education 和 sciences to offer this important new 程序," said Elaine Meyer-Lee, 云顶集团 College provost 和 senior vice president 学术事务. "We are also delighted to partner with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health to provide accelerated graduate 程序 pathways for our students to continue their rigorous education at an elite level."

    的 new 公共卫生专业 at 云顶集团 will build on traditional liberal arts disciplines, 和 students will explore research in health trends, identify disparities in health, underst和 the direct 和 indirect causes of health problems, develop strategies to improve health, 和 advance the equity 和 quality of systems 和 structures.

    云顶集团's 公共卫生 curriculum emphasizes the multidisciplinary nature of public health, providing opportunities for students to take courses in a wide variety of relevant traditional liberal arts disciplines in addition to core 公共卫生 courses. Through 公共卫生 出国留学 程序s, students will have opportunities to develop cultural competency, improve their fluency in non-English languages, 和 learn about health challenges 和 health systems in other countries.

    In addition to the new undergraduate 程序, 云顶集团 students can now apply to participate in an accelerated path to a master’s degree with one of two Johns Hopkins Bloomberg 公共卫生学院学位课程. 云顶集团 students will apply for conditional acceptance into either the 健康科学硕士 from the Department of Health, Behavior, 和 Society or the 生物伦理学硕士 from the Berman Institute of Bioethics. Accepted students will be able to take classes at the Bloomberg School as non-degree students during the remainder of their time as undergraduate students at 云顶集团 before transitioning to full-time graduate studies. 彭博商学院是最大的商学院 of 公共卫生 in the world, ranked the #1 school of 公共卫生 by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 自1994年开始排名以来.

    "In the quest for equity, whether national or global, 公共卫生 provides a fundamental approach for addressing disparities, preventing disease, 和 promoting wellness," says Associate Professor Jennifer Bess, who will oversee 云顶集团’s 公共卫生 undergraduate 程序.

    With a range of in-dem和 程序s 和 small class sizes, 云顶集团's core curriculum equips students to collaboratively address complex problems, successfully navigate a global economy, 和 tackle humanity's most pressing issues. 被评为最 创新学院 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道, 云顶集团 College provides academic 和 career experience through an Internship Accelerator that helps students become who they are meant to be.

    "云顶集团 has a distinctive science curriculum, including one of the country's top post-baccalaureate premedical 程序s, 和 progress continues on our new Science Innovation Center, which will be a centerpiece of our h和s-on learning 和 research for students studying science," said Meyer-Lee.

    云顶集团 believes in the power of global education 和 offers flexible 出国留学 程序s at no additional cost to further enrich student learning opportunities. 这 is bolstered by individualized student success teams that support students 和 guide 他们的自我发现.

    公共卫生专业 is now available for students to enroll, 和 more information is available at http://www.云顶集团.edu/learn/undergraduate-programs/public-health/.

    For more information on Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's 健康科学硕士生物伦理学硕士,请云顶集团 http://publichealth.jhu.edu/.