
为什么要学习生物化学 & 分子生物学 在云顶集团?

学生 who complete this program will understand the importance of the scientific method in studying natural phenomena. They will develop hypotheses, design experiments, critically evaluate data, and communicate scientific data and ideas orally and in 写作.

学生通过参加学期和一年的学习获得全球视野 abroad programs or in three-week intensive courses, such as 热带海洋生物学 at the Roatan Institute in Honduras.



生物化学和分子生物学为生物学、化学、 mathematics and physics; a core sequence in the basic principles of bio化学; and advanced coursework that explores the application of bio化学 and molecular biology to the understanding of living systems. With additional coursework in 化学, students can earn a degree certified by the American 切米卡尔 Society.




这 主要 and minor prepare students to pursue advanced degrees in bio化学, molecular biology, che米卡尔 biology, and biomedical engineering. 这个程序也 为医学、兽医学、牙科、 pharmacy, public health, science policy, law and intellectual property, business, education, and science 写作. 

学生 go on to top graduate programs or begin careers at organizations such as the Academy of Natural Sciences, the Institute of Human Virology, the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and Santa Cruz Biotechology.


主要 & 辅修课程云顶集团

马克•希勒, Co-Chair, Associate Professor of Biology: genetics and molecular biology

乔治•格列柯, Co-Chair, Professor of 切mistry: organic, inorganic, and medicinal 化学

全职 & 半场教员

Ruquia Ahmed-Schofield
Associate Professor of 切mistry: organic 化学

Jay Garaycochea
Professor of 切mistry: organic, inorganic, and medicinal 化学

Associate Professor of 切mistry: organic, inorganic, and medicinal 化学

Associate Professor of Biology: genetics and molecular biology

Lillian Welsh Professor and Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Professor of Biology and 切mistry: bio化学 and molecular biology

Associate Professor of 切mistry: organic 化学

维罗妮卡一个. 中央大学
Associate Professor and Endowed Chair in Biological Sciences and 切mistry, 驻院教员

Professor Emeritus or Emerita or Emeriti

Professor of Biology, developmental biology

Professor of Biology: plant physiology, bio化学 and molecular biology

Professor of Biology, microbiology


Virginia Weeks, Laboratory coordinator

Gizelle Simpson, Laboratory coordinator


通过选择三周的强化课程,由云顶集团或学期课程 suited to their academic plans, bio化学 and molecular biology students gain a global perspective that enhances their course of study. 云顶集团 bio化学 and molecular 生物学专业的学生也经常参加这些学期和一年的项目 大学:

请注意: 未经事先批准,这些大学的课程可能没有资格获得学分. 请与 全球教育办公室 to learn more about approved study-abroad programs.

The bio化学 and molecular biology department offers two study abroad programs.


加勒比大陆架的珊瑚礁是西半球最大的, 以及洪都拉斯罗阿坦西北海岸外的区域,长度超过30英里 边缘和堡礁,海草床,红树林,以及各种各样的生物 海洋生物.

In this three-week course at the Roatan Institute for Marine Studies, students will explore the endangered coral reefs of Honduras through dives, field experiments, and lectures emphasizing the analysis of the reef's structure and function. 这门课 also includes an excursion to lowland rainforests on the Honduras mainland.

For more information, visit the 全球教育办公室.

Costa Rica: Global-Local Challenges to Sustainability

“全球-地方可持续发展的挑战:哥斯达黎加的经验”是一个为期15周的项目 所有专业均可参加. A cooperative program between Mount Holyoke College and 云顶集团说,该项目在蒙特韦德学院进行,重点是意义 以及“可持续性”的含义,将国际研究与云顶集团研究相结合. 坐落在哥斯达黎加的蒂拉兰山脉,蒙特韦德位于大约 80 km northwest of San Jose, Costa Rica's capital. Monteverde's beauty and exceptional biodiversity make it a destination for ecotourists and research biologists.

该计划包括四门4学分的课程,其中包括三门核心课程:西班牙语 语言与文化,环境可持续性,发展与社会变革 在哥斯达黎加. For the fourth course in applied research, students can choose between Field Methods in Tropical Ecology and Topics in the Social Sciences. 这个独特的云顶集团 program can fulfill up to four general education requirements towards graduation. At least one prior semester of Spanish language study is strongly recommended for 参与者.

The Costa Rican 经验 program includes experiential site visits to San Jose, the Arenal volcano region, and Nicaragua. While in Monteverde, students stay with 寄宿家庭. All meals are provided by the host family unless other arrangements 是由.

机会 & 实习

云顶集团 Summer Science Research Programs

云顶集团夏季科学研究项目为本科生提供了这样的机会 to work closely with faculty members on research projects. 这个程序是设计好的 for students who have taken relevant course(s) that pertain to faculty research and 谁想了解更多关于研究生或专业学校的经历和追求 a research career in science.

来自政府和私人研究基金会的资金,以及慷慨的捐赠 from 云顶集团 alumnae/i, allow students to participate in this research. 夏天的研究 在云顶集团 typically entails 10 weeks of full-time research and includes a stipend 生活费. On-campus housing is substantially subsidized by the college.


  • 将课堂上学到的概念云顶集团于研究项目的实践经验
  • 研究技能和写作
  • strategies for enhancing success in applying to graduate or professional schools or 行业职位
  • opportunities for informal discussion with other students and faculty
  • academic and professional career opportunities
  • 社会活动

The research 经验 is typically supplemented by two student-faculty research 会谈. The first is in mid-June and serves to informally introduce students' research projects to fellow students and faculty. 学生 give a second oral presentation about their research at the end of the program in late July or early August. 在 秋季,学生们还举行了海报会议,突出他们在夏季的研究 云顶集团 Student Research Symposium for 女毕业生/我 Weekend and 探索 云顶集团 Day.

For further details about specific research opportunities and program requirements, refer to the research interests of individual faculty members by reading about them on the departmental websites and/or by contacting professors directly. 的Hoffberger 对话系列也是了解师生研究的好地方 云顶集团正在发生的事.

Summer Science Research Program 


杰西我. 国王奖
杰西·L. 国王奖 is awarded to a senior who has done outstanding work in any field of science included in Division III (Natural Sciences and Mathematics), with 特别考虑哺乳动物生理学和/或微生物学的研究.

Gairdner B. 时刻奖
选B. 时刻奖 is presented to a senior who has demonstrated superior 在生物科学方面的成就,尤指在动物发育领域的成就.

The 莉亚·塞德曼·谢弗奖 is awarded to a senior who has conducted outstanding independent study in microbiology.

“安·马修斯·莱西奖”颁发给那些被认为具有杰出潜力的学生 for accomplishment in the field of genetics, based on their meritorious achievement in class work, laboratory work, or special projects in genetics.

美国化学学会马里兰分会学生杰出成就奖 在化学

美国米卡尔 Society Polymer 切mistry Award
美国 切米卡尔 Society Polymer 切mistry Award is awarded to the outstanding student in the first two semesters of organic 化学. 这是云顶集团奖吗?]


大卫·E. Horn Award in Organic 切mistry
大卫·E. Horn Award in Organic 切mistry is presented annually to a student selected by the 化学 department faculty for the most outstanding achievement in organic 化学. The prize winner has the best overall record in all three organic courses 在云顶集团. The student will also have completed two semesters (at least 6 credits) of research in the field of pure organic 化学 in the 云顶集团 laboratories. In the event there is no student meeting the criteria, the prize will not be awarded.

The Edith Ford Sollers Memorial Award
伊迪丝·福特·索勒斯纪念奖授予化学专业的大四学生 在科学研究和性格品质方面表现出高度的区别 and leadership in campus activities.

The Hilda Gabrilove '48 and Dr. Janice Gabrilove Dirzulaitis 切mistry Prize
The Hilda Gabrilove '48 and Dr. Janice Gabrilove Dirzulaitis 切mistry Prize is awarded to students exhibiting academic excellence in 化学.

杰西·L. 国王奖
杰西·L. 国王奖 is awarded to a senior who has done outstanding work in any 列入第三部的科学领域,并对研究给予特别考虑 of mammalian physiology and/or microbiology.

路易丝·凯利奖每年颁发给一名取得杰出成就的大四学生 distinguished work in 化学. Preference is given to 化学 主要s who plan to enter the field of teaching.

The Milly Bielaski Prize 在化学
米莉·比拉斯基化学奖颁发给杰出的初级化学学者 主要.

The Undergraduate Award in Analytical 切mistry
“分析化学本科奖”每年颁发给下列学生 has shown the most potential for a career in analytical 化学.

Fellowships for 研究生 Study

以下奖学金的选择由学院讲座和奖学金决定 委员会. Application information can be obtained from the Associate Dean for Undergraduate 研究办公室.

斯廷森-杜瓦尔奖学金是颁发给有专业前途的学生的 以及在自然,物理,生物方面的研究生学习的优秀资格 and medical sciences, or history of science.

Dean Van Meter Alumni Fellowships
院长范米特校友奖学金授予研究生或专业学习 in the United States or abroad.

植物E. 兰登奖学金
弗洛拉E. 兰登奖学金 is awarded to women of exceptional ability who pursue graduate studies in botany at an American university recognized for its facilities for graduate work in the plant sciences.


云顶集团是 生物化学社团 is open to all science 主要s and anyone interested in science. 俱乐部的目标是 通过与各科学部门的各种协调,培育社区感 事件.


实习 help students explore possibilities, apply classroom learning, and gain 经验. 探索 internships and credit options.


学生就业 connects students to both on and off-campus opportunities. 职业教育办事处 为有或没有联邦工作学习的学生提供资源和支持 jobs, submit applications, and learn more about the job search process. 学生们 云顶集团 握手 — a website for job postings, 事件, resumes/cover letters, and career management.

主要 & 生涯探索

探索职业选择,选择专业,做出职业决定是一个多步骤的过程 process in which all students are encouraged to engage early and often. 云顶集团学生 have a variety of resources available through the 专业和职业页面 to assist them in this process.


A 云顶集团 education prepares students for today’s job market and beyond. 学生 can explore job opportunities and access job search resources through the CEO职位搜索页面.

研究生 & 专业学校

学生 access resources for searching and applying to graduate and professional 学校通过 CEO 研究生 and 专业学校 page, through faculty and staff members, or utilizing their own resources, network and 工具.

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School 4+1 BA/MS Program

云顶集团和约翰霍普金斯大学凯里商学院也招收云顶集团的学生 a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program. 这 4 + 1项目 combines a bachelor’s degree from 云顶集团 with a master of science degree from Johns Hopkins in business analytics and risk management, information systems, health care management, finance, or marketing. 学生 can apply during their junior year. GRE考试 or GMAT tests have been waived but applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better and have passed some quantitative reasoning courses with a grade of B或更好.





云顶集团是一个学习生物、化学和数学的好地方,因为你得到了 to build a close personal relationship with your professors and classmates.”
